Tuesday 18 November 2008

Knowing Your True Friend

To Know Your Friend is true friend or not: Here is few tips;

1. Always support your opinion and if what your opinion is not correct from his/her view, they will propose the new idea with some improving from your opinion. They will not object directly your opinion.

2. Always accept what you have done.

3. Not Betray You.

4. Secrecy to something not nice to share with other especially to supordinate if you work in same department.

5. Empathy.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Seven Effective habit To Win Your Boss

Samada kita menyedari atau tidak, seseorang yang bergelar boss biasanya akan amat suka sekiranya seseorang subordinat atau pekerja bawahannya berkarekteristik seperti berikut:

1. Selalu berkata "ya" kepada mereka (bos).
2. Anda seorang pegawai yang rajin dan taat kepada kata-kata mereka.
3. Anda menunjukkan anda seorang yang berilmu dan banyak memberi pandangan tetapi tahap kecerdikan anda mestilah dibawah dari mereka.
4. Selalu mengampu dan memuji keputusan dan tindakan mereka, tetapi janganlah pula berlebih-lebihan.
5. Selalu membelanjakan mereka makan.
6. Selalu menginformasikan mereka perkara-perkara sulit berkaitan orang lain.
7. Selalu memuji mereka dalam majlis-majlis keramaian.

Whether conscious or not, someone we called as bosses are normally prefer their subordinate act as below;
1. Always says "yes" to them (boss).
2. Hardworking and loyal to them.
3. Knowledgeable and always giving your opinion as long as not contradict with boss opinion.
4. Always say "good" or "clever" to any decison being made by them.
5. Always pay for their food when you together with them.
6. Always inform them about peoples secret.
7. Always praise them especially in public ceremony.

Please give your comment!!!!

Sunday 9 November 2008

Meaning of Honest

meaning od honest :

1. Marked by or displaying integrity; upright: an honest lawyer.
2. Not deceptive or fraudulent; genuine: honest weight.
3. Equitable; fair: honest wages for an honest day's work.
a. Characterized by truth; not false: honest reporting.
b. Sincere; frank: an honest critique.
a. Of good repute; respectable.
b. Without affectation; plain: honest folk.
6. Virtuous; chaste.